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Alchimia is a performing arts show created by an Italian company called “Materiaviva”. It is inspired by the mystery of medieval alchemy element research. It draws on a combination of numerous energies to create a sequence of imagery. The magical, mysterious and the obscure are also explored. These designs are simple yet effective express the various elements.
The focus of the designs was drawn to the merging of alchemical elements, in the midst of aerial acrobatics, double trapeze & aerial fabric.

Industry: Performing Arts

Role: Graphic Designer

Photography Credits: Matteo Nardone

The Challenge

Create designs that focus and draw the merging of alchemical elements, in the midst of aerial acrobatics, double trapeze & aerial fabric. These design are advertisment for a performing arts event held in Rome, Italy.

Target Audience: All Ages


The Elements









Terra: Earth

An enchanting colourful performance, transforming the setting into a surreal mystical world on golden stilts expressing growth.

Italiano: Un’incantevole performance colorata, che trasforma l’ambientazione in un mondo mistico surreale su trampoli dorati che esprimono la crescita.

Aria: Air

Aerial performances that a mix of powerful emotion, extraordinary images of flight and excitement, unique in its kind.

Italiano: Esibizioni aeree che un mix di potente emozione, straordinarie immagini di volo ed eccitazione, uniche nel suo genere.

Aqua: Water

The crystal balls rotate and hypnotizes the audience, creating unified rhythm to the movements, flow of the elements in their alchemical transformation.

Italiano: Le sfere di cristallo ruotano e ipnotizzano il pubblico, creando ritmo unificato ai movimenti, flusso degli elementi nella loro trasformazione alchemica.

Fuoco: Fire

An exciting, adrenalin-fuelled magical dance featuring alternating choreographed images of great visual impact in a crescendo of brightness that will leave the audience breathless.

Italiano: Un ballo magico emozionante e adrenalinico, caratterizzato dall’alternanza di immagini coreografiche di grande impatto visivo in un crescendo di luminosità che lascerà il pubblico senza fiato.

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